Actual, predicted and astronomical Hydro Meteo information
On the Weather & Tide Dashboard you will find operational data of weather and tide. This is a combination of measurements and predictions of e.g. height of tide, tidal stream, wind and visibility
Service description
The Weather & Tide dashboard shows real-time measurement data and forecasts of wind, visibility, height of tide, tidal stream and waves in the Port of Rotterdam. Data is projected on maps, graphs and even as tidal stream animations. Data is updated automatically once every minute in the dashboard.
Stakeholders see the same operational data the POR Harbour Master uses for safe and expedient handling of shipping and can be used to plan a safe ship journey. Since this data is mission critical to the Port of Rotterdam the quality and availability of the data is monitored 24/7. The Weather & Tide dashboard is a public dashboard with data obtained by the Port of Rotterdam.
Service kenmerken
- Niet-betaaldGeen abonnementfee en/of transactiefee van toepassing.
- WebschermGebruik van de service is mogelijk via een webscherm.
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