Twiki Power Advanced Container Tracker

Twiki Power Advanced Container Tracker

Full ocean freight visibility for freight forwarders, shippers and shipping agents.

Full up-to-date ocean & barge freight visibility

Twiki Power Advanced Container Tracker is a cloud service that enables freight forwarders, shippers and shipping agents to retrieve up-to-date shipment information (ETA, PoD, Gate In, Gate Out, etc.) based on booking data among which Booking number, SCAC code, MBL and Container number, with the most accurate data empowering your supply chain management processes. 


Service description

Twiki Power Advanced Container Tracker is a so-called software robot. The digital assistant of your operations department responsible for carrying out the checks and updates autonomously on a 24/7 basis. The specific actions that Twiki performs to keep your Freight Management-/ERP system up-to-date:

  • Processing the following updates:
    • ETA, ATA, ETD, ATD, (Estimated) Discharge Date & Time, Gate in, Gate out Empty Depot Return
    • Transshipment History: processing the changed vessel name and Actual Time of Departure of the Port of Loading in the event of a transshipment change
    • for both export, import and consolidated shipments
  • Sending notifications to your operations department
  • Optional: sending notifications to your partners and customers.

In addition, possible frustrations among your customers about incorrect ETA and vessel on which the container is loaded, belong to the past. After all, a satisfied customer starts with an up-to-date customer.


  • BezahltEs fällt eine Abonnementgebühr und/oder Transaktionsgebühr an.
  • Systemverknüpfung (API)Nutzung des Dienstes ist über eine API-Systemverknüpfung möglich.
  • WebumgebungNutzung des Dienstes ist über eine Webumgebung möglich.

Subscription costs

The subscription fee depends on two drivers:

  • The extent of the visibility (Pay-per-use for the specific updates requested during a journey)
  • The number of shipments annuallly


„Reliable ETA information is the start of a smooth follow-up process for companies. Chain partners and customers can be informed much more proactively about changes. Moreover, not having to check ETAs manually saves our customers substantial personnel costs. Often rapidly rising costs for demurrage & detention are also a thing of the past. Logistics chains really do improve thanks to reliable ETA information.“

Request service or API

Are you ready to start using this service or do you have questions specific to this service? Contact our partner to request this service.

Do you have any general questions about the marketplace? Get in touch with Team Marketplace.

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