Stacy Digital Message Forwarder

Stacy Digital Message Forwarder

Your automatic message forwarder in the logistic chain

Your automatic message forwarder in the logistic chain

Never miss important notifications from your partners or customers. Stacy Digital Message Forwarder is a stand alone system that can receive all automated push notifications from every source in the chain and helps you convert them into automated actions. Categorize and prioritize push notifications by converting them into automated actions via easy drag and drop actions.

Service description

Stacy Digital Message Forwarder allows you to receive all your logistical push notifications in the chain in one place. Assign scenarios using simple drag and drop tools and send the correct action to any email, voicemail, telegram or WhatsApp.  

In what ways can Stacy help to optimize your messaging?

  • Would you want to receive a confirmation of receipt, or, based on an action, automatically send a task to a group about who will pick up the job? With the Message Forwarder you can easily claim a notification, the others will be informed that no further action is required.   
  • Would you like to keep the customer informed of a specific milestone in the process?  Simply set up a scenario where multiple factors can be taken into account. 
  • Save a lot of time by being able to prioritize notifications instead of having to search all push notifications generated by chain partners. Or, set a trigger on certain notifications so that you or others only receive direct instructions only when it is relevant.  

Stacy is a multifunctional tool that operates alongside all existing applications and does not require any specific integration. Simply forward all notifications to 1 system and from there the tooling can not only be used to allocate new actions, but also create dashboards that provide clear insights on where you can improve.  

Stacy is a product of Code Yellow. Code Yellow is NEN 7510, ISO27001 & ISO9001 certified.


  • AnschlussgebührFür die Aktivierung eines Dienstes fällt eine einmalige Anschlussgebühr an.
  • BezahltEs fällt eine Abonnementgebühr und/oder Transaktionsgebühr an.
  • Systemverknüpfung (API)Nutzung des Dienstes ist über eine API-Systemverknüpfung möglich.
  • WebumgebungNutzung des Dienstes ist über eine Webumgebung möglich.


For participation in Stacy Digital Message Forwarder, you pay a one-off setup fee based on your needs, a monthly fee plus, €0.25* per forwarding (*Ask for requirements).


  • code_yellow
  • code_yellow

Request service

Are you ready to start using this service or do you have questions specific to this service? Contact our partner to request this service.

Do you have any general questions about the marketplace? Get in touch with Team Marketplace.

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