Client case
Keeping RST moving
By using the Hinterland Container Notification service, Rotterdam Shortsea Terminal can grab the role of just-in-time hub and ensure a more efficient flow of goods in Europe
“The Portbase platform enables RST to better manage its role as just-in-time hub.” – Jeroen Zwijnenburg, CCO – Rotterdam Shortsea Terminals
Contact with all transporters via one screen
RST has expanded to become Europe’s largest Short Sea Terminal hub, partly because of Rotterdam’s geographical location. And with its tri-modal terminal facility, barge, rail and truck converge at RST. RST can manage its role as just-in-time hub via Hinterland Container Notification and ensure a more efficient flow of goods in Europe.
Innovative solutions to optimise hinterland transport are being developed all the time. According to CCO Jeroen Zwijnenburg, this has hugely improved RST’s competitive position. ‘The central customer connection enables us to contact all transporters and this incredible step forward in standardisation has made RST’s services a lot faster.’
Optimising services with the hinterland
De logistieke dienstverlening is constant in beweging en kan nog sneller en efficiënter. Door te zorgen voor kortere verblijftijden van containers en schepen moet de data nog beter op elkaar afgestemd worden.Zo komt in de nabije toekomst de voormelding van barge, rail en truck samen op één centraal MCA-platform, waardoor het steeds makkelijker wordt om de connectie te maken tussen de klanten enerzijds en de rederijen anderzijds. Zo kan er meer lading verwerkt worden en wordt de dienstverlening verder geoptimaliseerd.
Jeroen Zwijnenburg
Hinterland Container Notification
Hinterland Container Notification is the multi-modal pre-notification portal for pre-notification of calls and containers at sea terminals, inland terminals and depots.
This applies to the hinterland modalities of barge, rail and truck. You can check the status of a port call and of containers at a glance via one portal and a uniform working method that applies to all terminals and depots.