Carbon Emissions Calculator API (CO2 API)

Carbon Emissions Calculator API (CO2 API)

All you need to reduce carbon footprint

All you need to reduce carbon footprint

Calculate the carbon footprint of your common shipping method and select the most environmentally friendly option. Integrate green technologies into your business’s daily operations through a unique CO2 API. 


Service description

The SeaRates Carbon Emission Calculator offers a robust solution for accurately calculating the carbon footprint of various shipping methods. Developed according to the GLEC Framework Version 2.0 and compliant with ISO 14083, this tool provides precise CO2 emissions data based on individual shipment characteristics such as route coordinates, container type, cargo weight, and shipping line. Users benefit from detailed insights into environmental impacts, enabling informed decisions on carbon offsetting and supply chain optimization across sea, air, and land transport modes.


  • BezahltEs fällt eine Abonnementgebühr und/oder Transaktionsgebühr an.
  • Systemverknüpfung (API)Nutzung des Dienstes ist über eine API-Systemverknüpfung möglich.


  • Searates
  • searates_screenshot_2

Subscription costs

The cost of the monthly subscription (price) depends on the terms below: ​

  • For API integration: by the number of calculations on request​ 
  • Plans and pricing are provided by the Digital Account Manager upon request.​ 

This is how you request this service

To request Carbon Emissions Calculator API (CO2 API), you need an IAMconnected account that is linked to your organization. More information about the registration process can be found on the Here’s how you connect page. Or download the seven steps of the registration process as pdf.

Do you already have a service connected? In that case you login with your IAMconnected account.

As a new customer, you create an account first. Then link your account to your organization.

Questions about the Marketplace

Do you have any general questions about the marketplace? Get in touch with Team Marketplace.

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