Accurate UN/LOCODE coordinates

Accurate coordinates for the most used location codes in the shipping industry

Get corrected and validated UN/LOCODEs including coordinates without the major omissions and errors in other datasets.

Service description

Most ocean systems use the UN/LOCODE standard to describe ports, terminals, and other supply chain hubs. However, the dataset published by the UN is revised once a year and contains many omissions and manual data-entry errors.

CargoProbe uses an amended, validated and regularly updated dataset for its own systems. We provide our UN/LOCODE database through an API for use by other companies. If you want to plot a UN/LOCODE on a map, this is the best source you can get.

Service features

  • PaidSubscription fee and/or transaction fee applies.
  • System interface (API)The service can be used via an API system interface.

Solution interface

  • Cargoprobe vessel tracking Portbase
  • CargoProbe services Portbase


Cargoprobe supply chain solution

“CargoProbe is a major contributor to the UN/LOCODE dataset and participates in the process to add/amend locations.”

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