Third series of improvements to Vessel Notification 2.0


A new series of quick wins is now available for you in Vessel Notification 2.0. These wins are practical improvements that we are implementing in close cooperation with the Harbour masters of Rotterdam and Amsterdam. During recent visits to agents, they compiled an inventory of areas for potential improvements to the digital notification process. In this third series, the following are now online for your benefit:

• Sort categories independently
In the ‘Visit overview’ screen, you can now sort each category of vessels (Expected, Arrived, Departed, Cancelled) independently as you see fit. For example: you can sort the category Expected alphabetically, put the Arrived vessels in order of CRN, etc.

• Actual berth and accompanying ETD displayed for each vessel
From now on, the actual berth and expected time of departure for each of your ships present in the port will be displayed in the Visit overview screen. In the event the vessel is en route, the next berth the ship is scheduled to occupy will be displayed. This will allow you to keep the expected times of departure (ETDs) up-to-date more easily, as well as to immediately see for which vessels you need to order a voyage.

• Actual time of departure now listed along with berth details
From now on, along with the berth details of a vessel, the actual time of departure (ATD) will be visible as well. That way, you can be certain the ship has in fact departed the berth. This makes it easier for you to keep the order of berths up-to-date.

Note: Soon, we will make the actual times of departure visible to you in the berth overview as well.

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