New General Terms & Conditions of delivery from 1 May 2018


As of 1 May 2018, Portbase will adopt new General Terms & Conditions of delivery. These will replace the current Terms & Conditions from 2009. Clarification and/ or simplification was needed with regard to several points. The new General Terms & Conditions have been drafted in keeping with the current applicable standards and are tailored more specifically to the interests of the community. Definitions have been improved, time periods have been adjusted in clients’ favour and a greater degree of reciprocity has been incorporated. Aspects of ownership and data usage have been clearly established in the new Terms & Conditions as well.

In preparing the new Terms & Conditions, Portbase held thorough consultations with the branch organisations VRC, TLN/Fenex and Evofenedex on multiple occasions. Suggestions from these parties have been integrated into the final text wherever possible.

The new General Terms & Conditions of delivery are available for download here. All Portbase clients have been sent an email containing further explanation of the most significant changes.

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