Updated service Notification Waste Disposal from 4 July


On 4 July 2018, the updated service Notification Waste Disposal 2.0 will become available in the Port Community System (PCS). For your convenience, we have added this service as an additional task in Vessel Notification 2.0. This makes the waste declaration more accessible to you and simplifies the process of monitoring the status.

The development of Notification Waste Disposal 2.0 was prompted by the statutory changes resulting from EU Directive 2010/65. The updated service will allow you – in accordance with this new legislation – to notify waste materials to the harbour masters in ports where you also use Vessel Notification 2.0. Notification Waste Disposal now also features a number of other new improvements which make it easier to enter information. The upload function has been improved as well. This simplifies the process of automatically entering data from an Excel sheet filled in by the captain on board a
given ship.

What action must you take?
• The new Excel template for entering the waste materials present from on board
the vessel is available here. Please send this to your captains ASAP.
Instructions on using Notification Waste Disposal 2.0, along with an overview of
the statutory changes and improvements, can be found here.

When should they start using it?
• From 4 July 2018 on, Notification Waste Disposal 2.0 should be used for all
new vessel visits created in the system. This task will automatically be displayed
in Vessel Notification.
• Do you have any vessel visits which were created and send before 4 July?
You will need to finish those visits in Notification Waste Disposal 1.0.

Important: Portbase will deactivate the old service Notification Waste Disposal as of
31 July 2018. We therefore recommend that you avoid creating vessel visits with an
ETA later than 31 July until on or after 4 July. Still need to submit a Notification Waste Disposal 1.0 after 31 July? In that case, cancel this notification first and then the entire vessel visit. After that, you will need to start over and create the visit in Vessel Notification once more. This will give you access to the new Waste Disposal 2.0 task
as well.

Additional background information and details concerning the updated Notification Waste Disposal can be found in this harbour masters’ newsletter (only available in Dutch).

More information
Still have questions about how Notification Waste Disposal works? Our Service Desk will be happy to assist you. They can be reached at +31 (0)88 625 25 25 or servicedesk@portbase.com.

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