Real-time, around-the-clock insight into Port Community System availability


Portbase will introduce a separate status website on July 23, 2020. Via, all parties will be able to easily check the real-time availability of the Port Community System (PCS) and all PCS services at any moment of the day or night. At the same time, Portbase is improving the information provision at the moment when an actual disruption occurs. In the near future, PCS users and other stakeholders will be able to receive notifications regarding such events via both email and the newly available options of SMS, RSS feed and webhook. Portbase strives to optimally inform the community at all times. 

Among the major points for improvement identified in Portbase’s most recent customer satisfaction survey was the provision of information regarding disruptions in the PCS. While the services have a high rate of availability (99.95%), every disruption is one too many. Portbase understands that, at such times, PCS users and other stakeholders want to be informed immediately. At the same time, the source of a disruption sometimes lies outside the PCS, blocking the delivery of digital messages. Such external issues might occur with the provider, in the systems of other links in the logistical chain, and so on.  

Real-time, around-the-clock insight  

Portbase strives to be fully open and transparent in its dealings with clients and other stakeholders. The introduction of a central status website represents a further step toward this objective. This website displays the current status of every Portbase service in real time. It will also inform users of scheduled maintenance. As a result, all parties will have access to the most up-to-date information regarding the availability of the PCS. 

Updates via other channels in addition to email 

In the event of scheduled maintenance or a disruption, Portbase is always pro-active in informing PCS users and other stakeholders by email. What’s more, it is now implementing a number of improvements: 

  • Instead of sending an automatic update every 45 minutes during a disruption, Portbase will send notifications only when there has been a status change. This will eliminate excessive emails to users and stakeholders. 
  • In addition to email, it is now possible to receive notifications via other channels as well. These channels include SMS, RSS feed and webhook (which makes it possible to display the information from the status website directly in the user’s own digital environment). All parties will be able to manage their own message preferences. 

Those who are not currently receiving disruption notifications will be able to register easily. When registering, users will be able to indicate the services on which they would like to receive information. Users will also be able to choose from various channels. The full communication protocol to be used in the event of PCS unavailability can be found here. 


Portbase is aware of its clients’ strong desire for a single source of insight into the availability of all systems connected to the PCS (Customs, container terminals, etc.). The new status website will serve as a foundation for taking further steps in this direction. 

Further information 

Any questions? Visit our support page or contact our Service Desk. They can be reached at +31 (0)88 625 25 25 or 

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