Last call: switching to IAMconnected essential for accessing PCS


Logging into the Port Community System (Port Community System (PCS) has changed. Portbase introduced IAMconnected last year. This new Portbase service combines ease of use with increased security. This higher level of security is necessary to continue the digital development of the Dutch ports and their logistics chain.

Digital security in the port

Because a future secure port calls for more than just physical security. The data associated with all the activities in and around a port is of vital importance to the future of the Dutch ports and assuring security is the top priority. As part of the digital infrastructure, Portbase plays a role in providing digital security for the exchange of logistics data.

The new method of logging in with IAMconnected allows companies to use all kinds of services in an easier and more accessible way. It is now simpler for them to grant access to their own employees, and also to revoke that access, and easier for service providers to reliably confirm identities without having to set up their own processes for creating/supporting customer users. All accounts are personal (no group accounts) and can be provided with an extra security layer via Multi Factor Authentication, so making it even more difficult for unauthorised parties and individuals to obtain data or make notifications. And that’s good news for everyone involved in the logistics chain.

Switching is essential

Over the past two years, Portbase has run various campaigns informing its customers about the new method of logging in and the associated actions they needed to take. Many of them have already made the transition to IAMconnected. However, there are still companies which have not heeded the call to do so. Portbase’s message to those companies is: take your responsibility, perform these actions before 29 June, otherwise your existing PCS account will become inactive. An inactive account means you will not be able to perform any actions in the PCS and you will therefore be harming not only yourself but also your partners in the supply chain. By way of illustration: it will take an average of 3 days before an inactive account can be reactivated. This will directly affect operational processes in and around the Dutch ports.

How to switch to IAMconnected

Switching to IAMconnected is simple. Portbase offers companies a transition service for migrating all PCS data, user roles, privileges and Portbase services. A few small actions are enough, most of the process takes place automatically. You can find comprehensive information about switching to IAMconnected at:

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