The importance of working together and sharing data is increasing all the time


Erniesoft has worked closely with Portbase to develop the new functionalities in the services required for the Secure Chain. The firm was already involved in the pilot phase and conducted extensive testing to optimise the services.

The goal of the new approach to prenotification within the Secure Chain is a closed release and collection process involving only authorised Shipping Lines, Agents, Shippers, Forwarders and Inland Operators within the Portbase services. “This integration marks a crucial step in the drive for increased security and reliability within the logistics processes.  This closer cooperation and improved secure data exchange will help us better serve our customers and remain at the forefront of the logistics sector as a leading TMS vendor”, says Mehmet Erbil of Erniesoft.

Based in Schiedam, the Netherlands, Erniesoft is a leading player in the logistics sector and serves global customers.

What benefits does Erniesoft get from the Portbase services in relation to the Secure Chain?

  • Firstly, e-Lips TMS offers seamless integration with Portbase, allowing customers to benefit from automated data exchange that promotes efficiency.

Erniesoft’s ambition is to reduce the number of manual operations performed by planners to the minimum.

Thanks to the new link with Portbase for the Secure Chain, planners can control everything effortlessly without any manual processes.

  • Secure Chain integrated into e-Lips TMS
  • All containers are automatically assigned to the inland operator by the customer/forwarder. e-Lips TMS then processes all containers assigned to the carrier 100% automatically within the Secure Chain. This allows the planner to see immediately whether everything is in place for the container prenotification, making manual status checks unnecessary. In addition, e-Lips TMS enables automatic nomination for containers transported by another inland operator directly within the terminal management system.

Erniesoft faces the challenge of making sure e-Lips TMS contains the right API links to ensure smooth operation of the Secure Chain. Erniesoft needs to be constantly up-to-date on the latest technological developments and be able to apply them effectively in order to meet its customers’ needs and ensure smooth operation of the Secure Chain in e-Lips TMS.

Erniesoft strongly believes in good communication and close relationships with customers, and especially in informing them of major changes such as within the Secure Chain. One way of doing so was to hold a customer day at which Portbase provided the guest speaker.  In addition, Erniesoft sends out regular newsletters and shares updates through its Social Media channels.

“Our customer-centric approach also includes close contact through face-to-face meetings and follow-ups, allowing us to get immediate feedback and address any questions or concerns about the Secure Chain. With this approach, we are making sure our customers are always properly informed and get the necessary support to cope with the changes resulting from the Secure Chain.”

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