Veterinary Inspection Process

Veterinary Inspection Process

Fast and efficient logistics around veterinary inspections.

Fast and efficient logistics around veterinary inspections

The Veterinary Inspection Process provides a single central point to report your arrival to all the inspection points in the port. This allows them to optimize their capacity planning and gives the Netherlands Food and Consumer Product Safety Authority (NVWA) an accurate indication of the daily number of inspections, so preventing unnecessary queues.

Service description

The service Veterinary Inspection Process gives you insight into the practicalities of an inspection. You receive online information about the time of arrival/departure of the shipment and about the outcome of the inspection itself.

Using the service is made extra easy by submitting your border documents to NVWA at an earlier stage via the Portbase service Declaration Food and Consumer Products. You then only need to enter the desired inspection point (including inspection date and time, if applicable) in Veterinary Inspection Process to request an inspection.

Service features

  • Not paidNo subscription fee and/or transaction fee.
  • Web screenThe service can be used via a web screen.

Additional requirements

There are no additional requirements for this service.

How to get connected

This service is only available through web screens.


This service is free of costs.

This is how you request this service

To request a service, you need an IAMconnected account that is linked to your organization. More information about the registration process can be found on the Here’s how you connect page. Or download the seven steps of the registration process as pdf.

Do you already have a service connected? In that case you login with your IAMconnected account.

As a new customer, you create an account first. Then link your account to your organization.

Request service

Ready to optimize your logistics processes? Request the service directly or contact us. Our experts are ready to answer all your questions and guide you through the process of requesting the desired service.

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