Client case
Keeping Thermotraffic moving
“Take your time to ensure that everyone in the organisation recognises and acknowledges the advantages. Fear of the unknown is unnecessary.” – Martijn Spiering, Mananger Import & Export – Thermotraffic
Thermotraffic profits daily from the advantages offered by Cargo Controller
One of the users of Cargo Controller is Thermotraffic Holland B.V. The subsidiary of the Japanese company Nichirei has been providing logistics services since 1987 and offers a total logistics concept for tempe-rature-controlled goods. “We entered the pilot phase and since then have been benefiting from the advantages that Cargo Controller offers on a daily basis,” indicates Martijn Spiering, Import and Export Manager at Thermotraffic. “With Cargo Controller, we have one overview with real-time data of all terminals and shipping companies for whom we provide cargo handling services. This enables better planning and efficient processes. Unnecessary costs are no longer an issue.”
Saving time during inspection and clearance by customs
One of the biggest gains for Thermotraffic is the time saved during inspection and clearance by customs. Spiering: “Until recently, this was often communicated to the shipping company, and we had to wait until the information was passed on to us. Thanks to Cargo Controller, we are now immediately informed of inspections and clearances. Our planning is therefore considerably more efficient. The time savings can amount to more than 36 hours, while the cost savings amount to tens of thousands of euros.
“There is no doubt that digitalisation offers real added value,” concludes the Import and Export Manager. To maximise the potential and avoid surprises, Spiering believes it is important that everyone in the organisation switches to the new system at the same time: “Take your time to ensure that everyone in the organisation recognises and acknowledges the advantages.” Fear of the unknown is unnecessary, he says. “Especially if you are already familiar with Cargo Information. But even if that is not the case, the learning curve for Cargo Controller is extremely low. The system is intuitive, user-friendly and quite easy to adapt to your own specific requirements.”
Cargo Controller
The service Cargo Controller offers the current status of your cargo through the cargo overview. You receive information about when your vessel arrives, when it is discharged, when there is an inspection and when an import document is known.
For safe handling of your cargo, you can nominate and/or authorize the next party in your logistics chain with Cargo Controller. Depending on your role and nomination in the process, you may or may not be able to see which goods have been shipped. The timeline provides insight into the logistics process and all parties involved in your cargo.