Never doubt B/L details again


Accurate B/L information! Since October, this has been even more important for submitting import declarations. With the introduction of the Container Release Message, customs have become much stricter. If the shipment number (trailer transport) or the B/L number (container transport) on your import declaration does not match that stated by the ferry operator, shipping company or shipbroker on the Declaration for Temporary Storage (ATO), the shipment will be rejected. The same is true if the gross weight on the import declaration is higher than on the ATO. These are known as mismatches. Previously, customs only checked for them after the fact. Now this takes place immediately upon arrival of the ship. Cargo may only leave the terminal location if the information on the (detailed) declaration and the ATO match.

Ever stricter customs requirements

So the days when you can put ‘just anything’ on an import declaration or afford a typo are over. An error means immediate rejection and therefore delay. Only once the import declaration has been amended can the cargo proceed. And please be aware – customs requirements will only get stricter! Starting from subsequent phases, the Container Release Message will also apply to transit cargo and customs will be checking the weight even more closely.

Be sure of the correct B/L information

So as the notifying party, it is very important that you always know for sure that you have the correct B/L information. The official way is for the carrier (ferry transport) or the shipping company/shipbroker (container transport) to always provide you with the information in a timely manner. But can you always be sure they will? And with all that is going on around them, will your own employees copy the 16 or 17 numbers and letters correctly every time? Every mistake matters and leads to unnecessary delays in transportation.

Portbase offers the solution in the shape of Cargo Controller. This service provides you with the B/L information and weight as they appear on the ATO directly from the source (ferry operator, shipping company, shipbroker) whenever you need it. You can choose to access this data via the web or feed it directly to your systems by means of an API. That way, there can be no mistakes. And Cargo Controller offers much more. Currently, 40% of all our customers’ B/Ls are already linked in Cargo Controller, representing more than 4500 users. You can read all about Cargo Controller and what it can do for you here!

Tracking import loads at a glance

With Cargo Controller, you take control of your containers and trailers. Moreover, you can easily follow and see all import loads within the Dutch ports. Want to know how? Discover the possibilities and advantages in our white paper!

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