All barge operators successfully migrated to HCN Barge


Along with all inland navigation container barge operators, your organisation was successfully migrated to Hinterland Container Notification (HCN) Barge. From now on, your planners will use this new Portbase service to prenotify the inland navigation vessels and containers to the terminals in the port of Rotterdam. This applies to rotation, visit and loading details.

HCN Barge has been developed in partnership with barge operators. As a result, its operation is aligned with your planners’ daily working process.

Pilot participant Riny Boekelman of DPWorld Germersheim:
“Portbase involved barge operators in the development of HCN Barge at an early stage. Partly as a result, the service is well configured. It may take a little getting used to for planners, but the operation is largely self-explanatory.”

Rutger Bol of Barge Line Today:
“Our experiences with HCN Barge to date have been good. The service is very user-friendly. Compared to Barge Planning, you have a better overview and it is easy to edit details. We are definitely enthusiastic about it.”

System link with Portbase
HCN Barge utilises API links, the new IT standard for exchanging data. Portbase is temporarily offering an EDI converter (for 1 year). This converter automatically converts the loading information supplied in EDI to the new HCN format without you having to do anything. As long as no API link has been created, prenotification of visit and rotation information needs to take place via the HCN Barge web screens. Contact your software supplier in order to switch to an API system link as quickly as possible.

Input for Nextlogic too
HCN Barge will also supply the input for the future integrated planning of all container barge visits by Nextlogic. Nextlogic will be starting field trials shortly. This will take place in the background. During this pilot period, barge operators and terminals will continue working in the existing manner via HCN Barge. In order to stay up to date on the partnership between Portbase and Nextlogic, check our joint website regularly.

More information
On the Portbase support page, your planners will find a quick start guide, instruction videos, FAQs and more to ensure a smooth start with MCA Barge. Our Service Desk will also be pleased to answer any questions. You can reach them on 088 625 2525 and

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