Crew and passenger notifications now only possible using new Excel sheets 1.4


The previously announced changes to the service Notification Crew and Passengers are now in effect. From today on, due to new government regulations, agents like yourself are required to include two additional pieces of information in PAX messages:

1. Travel document expiry date
2. Country that issued travel document

These fields have been made required in version 1.4 of the Excel sheet (large and small) in which the captain fills in the lists of crew and passengers. In the event you have not yet done so: please provide your captains with these new Excel sheets 1.4 immediately. From now on, notifications submitted using older versions of the Excel sheet will not be accepted.

More information
Any questions? Our Sales department will be pleased to help you. They can be reached at 088 625 25 17 or More information on Notification Crew and Passengers can be found on our website.

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