Mandatory prenotification of all truck visits to RST via Portbase


From 25 May 2021, Rotterdam Short Sea Terminals (RST) is making the prenotification of truck visits via Portbase mandatory. Only drivers who have been properly prenotified via the service Hinterland Container Notification (HCN Road) (i.e. all indicators on green including customs documents) will be granted access to the terminal. Terminal visits to RST are over twenty minutes faster on average when the truck visit has been correctly prenotified.

From the third quarter of this year, RST will also be introducing the use of TAR codes (Truck Appointment References) via HCN Road. A properly prenotified driver with a TAR code will then no longer need to leave his cabin on arrival at the terminal. This will further reduce the turnaround time of his visit. You can read the message from RST here.

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