Joining of forces for optimum flow container barges in port of Rotterdam


What does the cooperation between Nextlogic and Portbase mean for you as a barge operator?

Nextlogic and Portbase are working together to ensure an efficient and reliable handling of container barges in the port of Rotterdam. Both organisations will each offer a new service that will be made available to the inland shipping sector via one single window. Soon, the optimal exchange of data about ship and cargo via Portbase will go hand in hand with an integrated planning for each barge call by Nextlogic. As a result, the flow of inland vessels in the port of Rotterdam will significantly improve. Deepsea terminals, depots and barge operators alike are able to operate more efficiently. Thus, inland navigation will become an even more attractive mode of transport for sustainable, reliable hinterland transport.

What does the collaboration mean in concrete terms?
As is currently the case, every barge operator will pre-notify both his cargo information and call and rotation data via Portbase in the future. This will commence via the new Portbase service Hinterland Container Notification (HCN) Barge, which will replace the current service Barge Planning.

Nextlogic will next automatically receive the required information from HCN Barge to make an integrated planning for every visiting inland vessel. An optimised call sequence is created for all scheduled terminals and depots in Rotterdam (provided that these are participants in Nextlogic). Furthermore, Nextlogic constantly improves and updates the planning.

To allow for integrated planning, barge operators consequently do not (as was originally intended) need to separately provide Nextlogic with data related to the call and cargo. Barge operators are however requested to directly notify Nextlogic of specific settings such as fixed windows, Sunday rest, etc. via the internet. Nextlogic and Portbase are still assessing how this functionality can be integrated in HCN Barge after it has gone live. In addition, skippers are able to view the current sailing plan 24/7 in Nextlogic via separate skipper screens.

Collaboration Nextlogic and Portbase gives the barge operator one single window for day-to-day operations

What action do we require from you as a barge operator?
Towards Portbase:
As a barge operator, you start preparing as soon as possible to (in consultation with your software supplier) switch from the current Portbase service Barge Planning to the new service HCN Barge. This service requires a switch from EDI to API, the new standard in IT for data exchange. The sooner you connect, the sooner you will be able to optimally benefit. Establish a realistic timetable for this with your software supplier.

In situations where it is not possible for barge operators to make the switch in time, Portbase will temporarily offer an API converter from the launch date of HCN Barge. The use of this API converter is free of charge for the first year. Via the API converter, Portbase converts the cargo data supplied by you in EDI to API. As a result, as many parties as possible are able to use the integrated planning right from the start. Portbase will send you additional information on this via a separate mailing. The new web screens of HCN Barge will automatically be available to everyone immediately from the launch date. No additional actions are required on your part for this. As is currently the case in Barge Planning, you can enter your call and rotation data in these web screens during the transition phase to your actual connection to HCN Barge API. To ensure proper use of the web screens, you will receive the necessary instructional materials in due time.

Toward Nextlogic:
To benefit from an integrated planning, you also need to register as a participant in Nextlogic in your capacity as a barge operator. By doing so, you grant Portbase permission to share the cargo information and call and rotation data that you provide with Nextlogic via HCN Barge. Nextlogic uses this data to draw up the integrated planning. Nextlogic will pro-actively approach the barge operators for participation.

What should you do if you already have a connection via the Nextlogic information platform?
A number of barge operators are acting as frontrunners and are currently already providing cargo information and call and rotation data to the Nextlogic information platform. This is essential input for being able to intensively test the integrated planning procedure in the coming period. At present, no action is required from these companies. Their connections will remain in place for the time being. In time, these parties will be ‘silently’ transferred from Nextlogic to the Portbase service HCN Barge.

What is the current situation?
Improving the flow of container barge shipping in the port of Rotterdam is a long-term task which comprises many different facets. The collaboration between Nextlogic and Portbase is a major step forward in this regard. In the coming months, we will regularly inform you via different channels about the progress. All parties will need to get used to integrated planning and this will improve step by step from the date of introduction. To a great extent, the success depends on the commitment of as many barge operators, deepsea terminals and depots as possible.

Which terminals and depots are participating?
Nextlogic and Portbase are working together to properly connect the deepsea terminals and depots that are currently already participating in Barge Planning/HCN Barge and in Nextlogic in the new situation.

More information
Do you have any questions about the solutions of Nextlogic and Portbase or about what the collaboration means for you? At Nextlogic, you can contact Wouter Groen, +31 (0)6 53 91 44 53, At Portbase, please contact Remmert Braat, +31 (06) 24 67 70 08,

Port of Rotterdam, Nextlogic, Portbase

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