Pilot successful, market launch Cargo Decleration Export 2.0 upcoming


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Our updated service Cargo Declaration Export 2.0 for straightforward submission of customs manifests is nearing its market launch. The pilot involving participants from the container and ferry sector has been successfully completed. As of November 2021, we will therefore be switching all customers to the new service over a period of three weeks. One day before it is your turn, you will receive an e-mail from us about this. You do not need to do anything else.

Making it easy for you
In this short video, we take you through the most important differences between Cargo Declaration Export 2.0 and the current service. Around the date of the market launch, Portbase Support will also be making several tools available for you, such as a quick start guide and the answers to frequently asked questions.

Pilot customers enthusiastic
Ease of use comes first in the new service! Customers from the container and ferry sector who have participated in the pilot project for Cargo Declaration Export 2.0 are enthusiastic about its operation. Now that the pilot has been completed, they will continue to have access to the updated service, making them the first daily users. We would like to once again thank everyone who took part in the pilot for their time and very valuable feedback.

More information
Do you have questions about Cargo Declaration Export 2.0? Our Sales Manager Michiel de Ruiter will be happy to help you. You can reach him on +31(0)88 625 25 33 or m.de.ruiter@portbase.com

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