Pre-notification of Customs documents via Portbase now also possible at RST, CCT, Broekman Distriport and TMA


There is a real chance that the 31st of October 2019 will bring a no-deal Brexit. If that is the case, customs formalities will immediately come into effect for transport via the Dutch ports. Please note! If there is a no-deal Brexit, you do not have access to the Dutch terminals without customs documents that have been digitally pre-notified via Portbase. In the run-up to Brexit, the shortsea terminals mentioned underneath have connected to Portbase. Please read the current status of each terminal below.

1. RST (North and South): Pre-notification possible as of 21 October
As of 21 October, it will be possible to pre-notify documents at RST North and South. This applies to both import (Notification Import Documentation) and export (Notification Export Documentation). From this date onwards, it will also be possible to pre-notify road and barge transport at RST North. Further information can be found on RST’s website.
2. CCT Moerdijk: Pre-notification mandatory
Pre-notification of documents is already possible at CCT Moerdijk since May 2019. You must pre-notify both your import and export documentation. The pre-notification of your documents is mandatory at CCT Moerdijk.
3. Broekman Distriport: Pre-notification mandatory after Brexit
Pre-notification of documents at Broekman Distriport is already possible since June 2019 for all container cargo*. When Brexit enters into force, you must pre-notify both your import and export documentation. The pre-notification of your documents at Broekman Distriport will be mandatory from then onwards.

* Please note: Pre-notification via Broekman Distriport is only possible for container cargo. Pre-notification of break bulk, trailers and cargo is currently not yet possible.

4. TMA: Pre-notification mandatory after Brexit
Pre-notification of documents is already possible at TMA Amsterdam since June 2019. When Brexit enters into force, you must pre-notify both your import and export documentation. The pre-notification of your documents at TMA will be mandatory from then onwards.

Pre-notification of import documents only possible after signing terminal contract
Please note: In the service Notification Import Documentation 2.0, the aforementioned terminals have been added to the selection list. If you are unable to select these terminals, you will still be required to conclude a terminal contract for these terminals.

You can sign these terminal contracts via our application form for existing customers. In order to sign these contracts, in the form you should only select the additional terminals where pre-notification is not yet possible. After completing the application form, these terminals will be activated for you. If you have any questions, please contact

Do you work with an in-house system?
We have now notified all software suppliers about the recently connected terminals. If you are developing your own EDI interface, click here for an overview of the necessary terminal-specific message codes.

At which terminals, prenotification via Portbase is mandatory?
Pre-notification of customs documents via Portbase has already been mandatory at a number of other terminals for a long time now. A current overview of these terminals can be found in our terminal selector.

See the solution for Brexit in Dutch ports in 3 minutes.

Further information
If you have a question about the Portbase services, our Service Desk will be happy to help you. The Service Desk can be contacted on +31 (0)88 625 25 25 or at Please contact them directly if you have any specific questions for the terminals. The contact details can be found in their own report.

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