Remote Check-In via Portbase available at ECT from 22 November


On Tuesday the 22nd of November, Hutchison Ports ECT Rotterdam (ECT) will make Remote Check-In (RCI) available for all road hauliers via the Portbase service Hinterland Container Notification Road (HCN Road). ECT has reported on this on their website and in their app. Read the news item from ECT here.

This means that, if properly prepared, drivers with an RCI number (the TAR number in HCN Road) can directly proceed to the gate without first needing to stop at the Do-it-Yourself Desk (DIYD) in building 5 at the ECT Delta Terminal. On average, your driver will save 10 – 15 minutes per visit. Furthermore, feedback related to the container statuses is provided faster, making long response times a thing of the past.

More secure process at the gate
The introduction of RCI makes the gate process more secure. The trip can only be performed by a driver with a cargo card from the organisation that has made the pre-notification or, in the case of a delegated carrier (executing charter), if this party has been designated as such in the pre-notification. The validation between pre-notification and cargo card is done on the basis of the EAN number; consequently, this number is becoming increasingly more important in the process. 

Are you pre-notifying in HCN? Check your EAN number
As the haulier performing the pre-notification, it is important that you ensure that Portbase knows your most recent EAN number at all times. If this is not the case, you cannot use Remote Check-In and your driver will still be referred to building 5. 

You can check your EAN number in Portbase (organisational management/account management). If the EAN number is no longer correct, you can fill in the amendment form. 

Heading out well prepared
This means; all pre-notifications in the relevant visit are “green” before your driver arrives at the terminal and you have specified any Remain-on-Truck containers via HCN. ECT requires that you use HCN to specify containers that remain on the truck during the visit to ECT (Remain-On-Truck containers) in advance.

Read here how RCI works. Frequently asked questions and answers about RCI are available in our Support environment. 

 API System interface
All the functionalities that are available in the HCN web screen (such as Executing Charter and Remain-on-Truck containers) can be automated with HCN via an API system interface (latest version). For Executing Charter: add EAN number of charter to voyageData. For Remain-on-Truck, there is an additional API endpoint /road:handling:create-nonpcs. Details are available at our Developer Portal. 

 Questions or assistance
For questions about the EAN number, please contact For questions about RCI, please contact

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