Two changes to Notification Export Documentation


At the request of Customs, we will make two changes to the service Notification Export Documentation (NED) for you in the coming period:

• New RTR code for use during emergency NCTS procedure
• ‘TNK – Tank-container with IMO Residue’ document
will be eliminated

New RTR code for use during emergency NCTS procedure
From 1 May 2017, during those times when an emergency NCTS procedure is in effect, you will need to use the new code ‘RTR’ (Rotterdam Transit) when pre-notifying NCTS documents in NED. For ECS documents, you will use the familiar REX code during the emergency AGS procedure for export. This will allow Customs to distinguish between the various paper documents that are submitted to them by the terminals. The export process will proceed more smoothly as a result. The method used when emergency procedures are not in effect will remain unchanged. To summarise:

• Pre-notification of a T document in NED during the emergency
NCTS procedure:
– Code RTR (followed by the document number)
• Pre-notification of an export document in NED during the
emergency AGS export procedure:
– Code REX (followed by the EORI number of the notifier)

Customs will observe a transitional period from 1 May until 1 June 2017. After the latter date, using the code RTR during the emergency NCTS procedure will be mandatory.

‘TNK – Tank-container with IMO Residue’ document
will be eliminated
With effect from 1 June 2017, you will no longer be permitted to notify the export of tank-containers containing residue to Customs using the ‘TNK – Tank-container with IMO Residue’ document. This is a result of new European Customs legislation. The TNK document will be eliminated from our service Notification Export Documentation from the aforementioned date. After that, Customs will expect a declaration of export from you in connection with such tank-containers.

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