RST South is postponing the implementation of the new TOS


The news item below was published at the end of September. At the end of September you received the following notification. Unfortunately, RST South has to postpone the implementation of the new Terminal Operating System (TOS) to 7-8-9 November 2020.

During the weekend of 17 and 18 October 2020, Rotterdam Short Sea Terminals South (RST South) is migrating to a new Terminal Operating System (TOS). As a result, operations at both RST South and RST North will be suspended for that weekend. You can read all the details here. After that weekend, RST South and RST North will serve you with a single joint TOS. Following the change, the use of several Portbase services will become mandatory (at least in part).

Hinterland Container Notification Barge (HCN Barge)
From 07:00 on 19 October 2020, you will now also be required to prenotify the containers of your inland vessels (as well as your visits) via HCN Barge. This applies to both RST South and RST North. This will further strengthen HCN Barge’s role as your central gateway to the entire port. Please note! RST does not yet allow you to make status requests for your containers or update your prenotifications.

Terminal code: NLRTM + RSTNO / NLRTM + RSTZU
EAN code: 8713755259860

Hinterland Container Notification Road (HCN Road)
From 07.00 on 19 October 2020, you will be able to prenotify your visits to RST South and RST North via HCN Road (and Road Planning EDI) under a single terminal with a single TOS. This prenotification is new for RST South. A driver who is properly prenotified via HCN Road (including customs documents) will complete his formalities at a self-service desk and will no longer have to queue up at the counter. As a result, his terminal visit will be 25% quicker.

In the course of 2021, RST will make the use of HCN Road mandatory. Even before that, RST will be introducing TAR codes. A properly prenotified driver with a TAR code will no longer have to leave his cabin upon arrival at the terminal. This will further reduce the turnaround time of his visit.

Please note! RST does not yet allow you to make status requests for your containers.

Terminal code: NLRTM + RST
EAN code: 8713755259860

Notification Import Documentation and Notification Export Documentation
For some time, you have had the option of prenotifying all your customs documents for both RST South and RST North via the Portbase services Notification Import Documentation and Notification Export Documentation. As of 1 January, 2021 RST is making prenotification of these documents mandatory for all shipments. From then on, you will only be able to collect and deliver your containers after the corresponding customs document has been digitally prenotified via Portbase. This applies to both Brexit and other containers. Not yet a participant? Go to to find out how to sign up, also for the services Import Status and Track & Trace Export. Doing so will allow you to check the customs status of your containers with RST in advance, so preventing unnecessary journeys.

Further information
If you would like to know more about one or more of these Portbase services, check out Portbase Support for instruction videos, manuals and the answers to frequently asked questions.

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