Security first

Security first

Security first Ensuring safe, secure use of the Port Community System (PCS) is Portbase’s number one priority. Our security measures are both visible and invisible. A quick look at the most important of these is provided below. Employee screening Every new employee is screened in advance. Information Security Manager At Portbase, a full-time information security […]


Corporate story Portbase makes supply chains running through the Netherlands stronger and smarter. Based on this philosophy, over 130 employees work every day to improve the competitive position of the Netherlands. Portbase is a non-profit organisation that operates at the intersection of IT and logistics. We operate as an IT company and as a logistics […]


Development of the Port Community System The development of new services starts only when there is a clear market need. Through working groups, the business community is always closely involved in their development. Thanks to their intensive feedback, each new service is optimally aligned with practical requirements. Moreover, fine-tuning takes place in a real-world pilot […]

Our community

Building smart platforms together, as well as communities that make ports and logistics chains seamless, sustainable and safe .  Together, we build the smartest port communities. That is our mission. ‘Together’ is an important word in this mission, because Portbase works for all the organisations in our community. This means that we take a neutral […]
General Terms and Conditions

General Terms and Conditions

This page contains the General Terms and Conditions of Portbase B.V. These apply to all of Portbase’s products, services and activities. Please read these documents carefully before making use of one of our services. Portbase General Terms and Conditions MyData General Terms and Conditions IAMconnected General Terms and Conditions
Iamconnected portbase

Program – IAMconnected

IAMconnected Manage access easily and securely to your digital services and PCS services 24/7 Via IAM Services (Identity & Access Management) organises Portbase for you 24/7 secure and easy access to your own digital services and your PCS services. Every company or organisation in the port and logistics sector can make use of this. IAMconnected […]