Expanding connections

At a large number of terminals, containers are already being pre-notified through the service Hinterland Container Notification (HCN). It is the ambition of Portbase, branch organisations and transport companies to substantially expand the number of connections.

The more parties participate, the more efficient pre-notifications become, the more the individual hinterland transport companies and the overall logistics chain benefit.

Expansion offers transporters advantages

Expanding the number of participating terminals and depots increases the value of HCN for transport companies. Each terminal or depot that newly connects to HCN means:

  • Planners spend less time searching for information on websites of terminals and depots that are not yet participating. Every new HCN connection means at least one fewer web screen to use.
  • Transporters with a HCN system interface no longer need to visit additional websites of non-participating terminals and depots and to copy data.
  • For transporters, HCN is increasingly becoming a one-stop-shop, meaning its use is becoming more and more valuable.

Step by step

Connecting to HCN is an intensive process for terminals and depots. The required adjustment to systems is usually realised in collaboration with software suppliers.

Portbase is currently discussing future participation with numerous parties. This list shows where HCN is currently under development.

Together with the branch associations, we want to convince as many terminals and depots as possible to participate in HCN. Priority is given to those locations where branch associations see the most benefit for their members.