Teaming up for hinterland efficiency

In consultation with you, we are working on improvements, solutions and innovations for hinterland transport. For future-proof container transport by road, water and rail. By sharing information with each other digitally, the Dutch port gets smarter.

New customers

What will the hinterland program bring me now and in the future

View the functionalities list via the ‘Added value’ tab.

The Hinterland Container Notification service already offers you a lot of added value by pre-notifying your visits and containers, including extra functionalities, in one central place. In the coming years, we will continuously implement improvements and innovations for road, rail and inland waterway transport under the name ‘Data Fuel’.

Think of new functionalities, more integration of HCN and other Portbase services, expanding the number of participating (inland) terminals and depots, etc. With this focus on hinterland transport, Portbase wants to increase your experience with HCN and contribute to a more efficient, cheaper, making hinterland transport safer and more sustainable.

General hinterland

I keep reading that Portbase is starting ‘a hinterland programme’. What is meant by that?

Portbase once started with separate services for road transport, inland shipping and rail. These services mainly focused on the pre-declaration of cargo and visits to the terminals. The announced hinterland programme will broaden that focus. The service Hinterland Container Notification (HCN) functions as a multimodal data-sharing platform, specifically intended for smooth information exchange throughout the hinterland chain. Existing HCN functionalities will be expanded for this purpose and new HCN functionalities will be added.

What will the hinterland programme do for me in the short term?

HCN is being used by more and more terminals as a central entry point. Recently, RST was connected and it is expected that depots and inland terminals will soon follow. As a carrier, you will immediately reap the benefits of this. Moreover, in the coming months, new functionalities are planned which will ensure that information will become more centrally available. So that planners can just start planning again and don’t have to worry so much about all kinds of peripheral issues. The number of screens required will decrease, as will the number of necessary phone calls and manual work.

What can I expect from the hinterland programme in the longer term?

What we are working towards is broadening. Shipping companies and forwarding agents will also be involved in the hinterland programme, so that ultimately all links in the chain will be connected. The broadening will lead to better predictability. Where operational information has often been available only shortly beforehand, information will become available much earlier, so that it is actually possible to plan ahead. This will make it possible to organise port logistics and the hinterland chain much more efficiently in the future.

Why will only the carriers pay for HCN in the first place, beside the terminals?

A conscious decision was made to phase in the charging of the operational costs of HCN. This has largely to do with which functionalities will be developed and when. For the hauliers, new and improved functionalities will be introduced this year, but for the forwarders, for example, this will happen later.

Will the Port of Rotterdam Authority and the Port of Amsterdam continue to invest in the hinterland?

As shareholders of Portbase, both port authorities have invested for years and will continue to invest in the hinterland. This includes smart, future-oriented services at the service of parties in the entire hinterland chain. An example of this is Data Fuel, on which Portbase, TLN and the Port of Rotterdam Authority are already working together. In time, this application will provide insight into disruptions and congestion, so planners can plan better and more efficiently in the port logistics and hinterland chain.

Are any depots already connected to HCN?

We are in advanced discussions with depots such as UWT, Kramer, DR Depots and Cetem about connecting them to HCN.
The plan is to connect the first depot next year (2022). As a carrier, you will then be able to prenotify there for free.

Our organisation cannot bypass Portbase, is Portbase allowed to (legally) do this unilaterally?

With its service provision, Portbase has a unique position in the Dutch port. Based on the added value that Portbase offers, among other things through HCN, we have become a utility and a strategic asset in the Dutch port. Portbase basically exists because the services are always created in collaboration with the port community. Portbase cannot exist without our goals receiving support from you as a customer. We are proud of that!

Portbase has a number of (legal) frameworks for pricing all services. Some examples of elements from this are:
– Cost-effective: Portbase is a cost-based, non-profit organisation. The pricing model is therefore based on a calculation of the cost price per service.
– Value: Pricing must be offset by added value for the user. The current and future version of HCN offers this added value.
– Barriers for SMEs: It is important that Portbase keeps the barriers for SMEs to a minimum. When the pricing model was developed, several scenarios were developed regarding the subscription price and transaction costs. The pricing model is suitable for both small and large users.
For more information, please contact the Portbase sales team.

How can I reuse my original pre-notification and thus avoid unnecessary costs?

By updating pre-notifications instead of cancelling and creating new pre-notifications, you save costs!

This is because within HCN, each pre-notification is allocated a unique label by which Portbase recognises the transaction. You can change, cancel and resubmit this pre-notification with unique label time and time again and without restriction. As long as you continue to use the same original pre-notification, you only pay one transaction of €0.35*.

Example: Are you cancelling the first original pre-notification (unique label A) and then starting a completely new second pre-notification (unique label B) for the same container? This means there are two unique labels and two transactions of €0.35. Therefore, be sure to use the original pre-notification as much as possible and avoid unnecessary costs!

• ECT and Euromax do not support updates on pre-notifications.
• RST does not support changes for pre-notifications for HCN Barge.
Portbase is working on a solution to enable updates of pre-notifications. This makes it possible to avoid unnecessary transactions. We will inform you as soon as this solution is available.

Procedure for System Link-up (API)
This works in the same manner as outlined above by working with the original pre-notification. Need assistance? Please contact your software supplier or Portbase.

Why is Portbase starting a new hinterland programme?

Volumes in the port have grown tremendously in recent years. In addition, sea-going vessels have substantially increased in size. This results in an enormous peak load at terminals. Popular time slots fill up quickly and heavy congestion regularly occurs in the port.

The issues are complex and will not just vanish. By means of innovative IT solutions and the secure sharing of data within the port, we make the processes simpler and easier, thus improving your visit to the port.

Read the interview with Iwan van der Wolf (Portbase) and Emile Hoogsteden (Port of Rotterdam) here for more context.

Is it correct that the Port of Rotterdam Authority does not want to continue with Portbase and no longer wants to invest?

No, that is not correct. The Port of Rotterdam Authority and the Port of Amsterdam are in fact opting to additionally reinforce the port and the hinterland. They use the digitisation of Portbase for this. The relationship and involvement between Portbase and the Port Authority (Port of Rotterdam Authority?) is good. However, the focus of the investments is changing. The Port Authority continues to invest in the infrastructure of the PCS and opts for further investment in innovations and new projects.

Pre-notifications and usage

I pay per prenotification of a full container, but what counts as a prenotification? And what doesn’t?

You pay for the use of the HCN platform. You send a pre-notification via the HCN service to the terminal when you plan to pick up or deliver a container. Sending a pre-notification for a full container will be charged as a billable transaction.

With the cancellation of a pre-notification (Cancel), the costs are not credited, as you have used the HCN platform which has incurred costs. Do you decide to use this cancelled pre-registration again? Then you can reactivate this pre-notification and pay only once.

With a status request, you request the status of your container(s) from the terminal. This is not a pre-notification. Status requests are free of charge.

Updating an existing pre-notification is also free of charge.

How many prenotifications do I make per container? One, two or more?

In the simplest form, you send one prenotification before collecting or delivering a container (empty is free, a full container means you pay). Experience shows that a container requires an average of 1.5 prenotifications to make a complete trip.

Below, we show the number of prenotifications required for a full container in a number of different scenarios and what you pay in those cases.

Flow 1: Simple 
In this flow, you send 1 prenotification for a full container via HCN. This prenotified container is then collected or delivered at the agreed time.

Flow 2: Transferring full containers
You pick up a full container at terminal Y and drop it off at terminal Z. For example, in the case of transhipment or when an ocean vessel diverts to a different terminal than originally planned.
You pay at least 2x a transaction for this.

Prenotification 1: Pick up at Terminal Y
Prenotification 2: Drop off at Terminal Z

Flow 3: Via transhipment point
You pick up a container at terminal Y and take it to terminal Z for further transport (mostly by train).
You may then pay 3x a transaction.
Prenotification 1: Pick up at Terminal Y
Prenotification 2: Drop off at Terminal Z (transhipment point)
Prenotification 3: Pick up at Terminal Z (for example, by train)

Flow 4: Re-entry
In exceptional cases, it happens that a container is retrieved after bringing it to the terminal. For example, to add goods, take them out or replace them (reload). In this case you pay:
Prenotification 1: Drop off at Terminal Z
Prenotification 2: Pick up at Terminal Z
Prenotification 3: Drop off again at Terminal Z

Flow 5: Customs check
In this scenario, a full container is picked up at the terminal, taken to a scanning location or Customs Control Pilot (DCL) and returned to the terminal after the check.
This only applies to transport by public road outside the terminal with an external carrier.
Prenotification 1: Pick up at Terminal X
Prenotification 2: Drop of at Terminal X, Y or Z
Please note: If you can drive straight on to the final destination after a scan, you do not need to do a 2nd pre-notification.

Flow 6: Subcontracting
For example, has carrier A already sent a pre-notification to the terminal, but then subcontracted the transport to subcontractor/charter B? Then carrier A cancels the pre-notification and subcontractor/charter B sends a new pre-notification itself.
As a result, you make two pre-notifications on one transport/container.
Pre-notification 1: Transporter A pre-notifies and cancels
Pre-notification 2: Subcontractor/Charter B sends its own pre-notification

How does Portbase count the number of prenotifications? Do I pay double if I cancel?

Each prenotification is given a unique label in Portbase that we can recognise it by. This means you can change, cancel and resubmit a prenotification and still pay just one fee.

I would like more information about my use of HCN. Is this possible?

Yes this is possible. In MCA, you can download your billable transactions and use that information to perform the necessary checks for yourself. Click on the links below to find out how to do this.
HCN Road
HCN Barge
HCN Rail


When will hinterland carriers start paying for HCN?

From 1 July 2022

What is HCN’s fee structure?

Here you can read about HCN’s tariff, how billing HCN transactions is done, what is/isn’t charged, and how you can use the service even better and save costs. If you have any questions regarding the above, please contact

How is the advance (what I pay per month) calculated?

In our systems, we looked at the number of prenotifications of full containers you sent to the terminals over the past year (from July 2020 to June 2021). We divided this total number of prenotifications by 12 in order to calculate an average number of prenotifications per month. Multiply this number by €0.35 (= transaction fee per prenotification), add the monthly subscription fee of €10 and you have the monthly advance payment.

Calculation example
7500 prenotifications of full containers per year
Divided by 12 = 625 prenotifications per month on average
625 x €0.35 per prenotification of a full container = a monthly amount of €218.75
Total per month = €10 in subscription fees excluding VAT and an advance payment of €218.75 excluding VAT = total €228.75 excluding VAT

What you do not pay for and what has not been included in the calculation:
Free: Status requests for a container
Free: Updates to prenotifications
Free: Prenotification of an empty containerStorage of the empty container at a terminal
In the future also at depots

What happens if I exceed the advance? What happens if I use less?

At the start of each year, settlement takes place for the previous year. So at the start of 2023, you will receive a final bill for your actual use of HCN in 2022.

If you prenotified more full containers than previously calculated, you will pay the difference in the number of prenotifications x €0.35.

If you prenotified fewer full containers than previously calculated, we will reimburse the difference in the number of prenotifications x €0.35.

Why am I paying more than my fellow carrier? How did you come up with this quote?

Everyone is charged based on the same cost structure.

Subscription fees: €10 per month excluding VAT
Transaction fee: €0.35 per prenotification of a full container, excluding VAT

Since each firm transports different numbers of containers, the amounts charged on vary.

In the advance calculation, we look at the number of prenotifications of full containers you sent over the past year (from July 2020 to June 2021). We then divide this total number of prenotifications by 12 in order to calculate an average number of prenotifications per month. Multiply this number by €0.35, add the monthly subscription fee of €10 and you have the total monthly advance payment.

Why does Hinterland Container Notification (HCN) use advance invoicing instead of invoicing based on actual usage?

At present, it is not technically possible for us to directly invoice the actual usage on a monthly basis. In time, we will however switch to a system whereby we invoice you each month based on your actual usage of HCN. This way, we help prevent surprises.

About the advance invoicing
In our calculation of the advance payment, we considered the number of pre-notifications submitted by you for filled containers over the past year (from July 2020 to June 2021). We divided this total number of pre-notifications by 12 to arrive at an average number of pre-notifications per month. This means you will not be confronted with surprises.

We are looking into the possibilities of providing you with periodic insight into the number of pre-notifications in the future.

In which situations do I need to pay several times for 1 container?

In the simplest form, before collecting or bringing a container, you send 1x pre-notification (empty is free, a full container means paying).
Below, we show the number of pre-notifications required for a full container for a number of scenarios and what you will therefore pay.

Flow 1: Simple 
In this flow, you send 1 prenotification for a full container via HCN. This prenotified container is then collected or delivered at the agreed time.

Flow 2: Transferring full containers
You load a full container at terminal Y and drop it off at terminal Z. For example, if the container is being transhipped or when a seagoing vessel docks at a different terminal than originally planned.
In this case, you pay for at least two transactions.
Prenotification 1: Pick up at Terminal Y
Prenotification 2: Drop off at Terminal Z

Flow 3: Via transhipment point
You pick up a container at terminal Y and take it to terminal Z for onward transport (usually by train).
You may pay for three transactions in this case.
Prenotification 1: Pick up at Terminal Y
Prenotification 2: Drop off at Terminal Z (transhipment point)
Prenotification 3: Pick up at Terminal Z (for example, by train)

Flow 4: Re-entry
In exceptional cases, a container may be retrieved after it has been brought to the terminal – for example, in order to add, remove or replace (reload) goods. In this case, you pay:
Prenotification 1: Drop off at Terminal Z
Prenotification 2: Pick up at Terminal Z
Prenotification 3: Drop off again at Terminal Z

Flow 5: Customs check
In this scenario, a full container is picked up at the terminal, taken to a scanning location or Customs Inspection Warehouse and returned to the terminal after the inspection.
This only applies to transport by an external carrier via a public highway outside the terminal.
Prenotification 1: Pick up at Terminal X
Prenotification 2: Drop of at Terminal X, Y or Z
Please note: If you are able to drive straight on to your final destination after a scan, you do not need to make a second prenotification.

Flow 6: Subcontracting
For example, has carrier A already sent a pre-notification to the terminal, but then subcontracted the transport to subcontractor/charter B? Carrier A then cancels the pre-notification and subcontractor/charter B sends a new pre-notification itself.
As a result, you make two pre-notifications on one transport/container.
Prenotification 1: Carrier A pre-notifies and cancels itself
Prenotification 2: Subcontractor/Charter B sends its own prior notice

Why do I need to start paying for HCN/Portbase?

The pricing of pre-notifications for a full container is not an end in itself. Portbase will strengthen the hinterland chain and the service provision in the coming years. We do this by means of an ambitious improvement programme named ‘Data Fuel’. The aim is not to generate new revenue for Portbase, but to maintain and expand the Portbase solutions for you as a hinterland transporter.

Almost 20 years ago, the port community recognised the importance of a PCS for the Dutch ports, and with that the corresponding role and position of Portbase. In 2009, the Port of Rotterdam Authority and the port business community therefore laid down the starting points and conditions for this in an ‘agreement for the future’. This agreement also covers the passing on of operational costs to the business community. Due to the strategic significance of properly establishing the service, an exception has been in place for Hinterland Container Notification (HCN) since 2009.

Read the interview with Iwan van der Wolf (Portbase) and Emile Hoogsteden (Port of Rotterdam) here for more context.


How are the charges invoiced?

Each month, you will receive an invoice with the previous month’s actual consumption.

What is the difference between the monthly invoice and the monthly e-mail about the insight into usage?

You, as an HCN customer, will receive an email every month stating your own MCA consumption for the month in question. The reported consumption only concerns the pre-notifications that are charged. For example, a pre-notification for an empty container is not taxed.

You will also receive a monthly invoice. The amount invoiced to you monthly is an advance payment based on the average number of pre-notifications from last year. At the beginning of the new year, for example, 2023, you will receive a final settlement for the actual use.

What if we forget to pay an invoice?

Since we work with direct debits, it is not possible to pay late. If a collection is not possible for any reason, we will send you a reminder, and later a demand for payment.

What if I disagree with an invoice – who should we contact and how does Portbase deal with such cases?

You can contact our sales team to discuss your concerns or questions.

Does Portbase invoice charges in the event of a disruption to its services?

Yes, charges are still invoiced. This is because, once the fault has been resolved, the containers will be prenotified to the terminals and then invoiced in accordance with the regular process

Is Portbase available 24/7 now that we, hauliers, are having to pay?

Not in all cases. As regards the current service provision, there will be no immediate change to availability at Portbase. Outside office hours, Portbase staff work on an on-call basis so that disruptions can be resolved.

You can see how the Portbase Customer Service works here.

Do hauliers need to prove their creditworthiness?

No, that is not necessary. We check the company details and the specified EAN number of the Cargo card.

How does Portbase’s cost-based financing model work?

Portbase is a cost-based organisation that does not have a profit motive. The pricing model of the services is based on a cost price calculation. The starting point for the services is that the costs are borne by the users. Both shareholders (Port of Rotterdam Authority and Port of Amsterdam) additionally finance the ICT infrastructure of the PCS.

We serve you: cost-effectively, neutrally and for the benefit of the entire port community. We therefore do not apply commercial rates, but your contribution does allow us to realise the proposed plans.

Costumer Service

Service Levels HCN | Hauliers

You can use the Portbase platform and the service Hinterland Container Notification within your business process with confidence. Click here to read the Service Levels for hauliers.

Central point of contact

Portbase Support is the central point of contact for all your questions about our services. Our team of trained and specialist staff are on hand 24/7 to get you back on track quickly and record your feedback. They are there to support you to use the service.

Make your voice heard

Make your voice heard. We keep a record of all the questions asked. If we get a lot of the same questions or feedback, that is a signal that we need to do something about it. Ask your question to Customer Service.

Request service

Ready to optimize your logistics processes? Request the service directly or contact us. Our experts are ready to answer all your questions and guide you through the process of requesting the desired service.