Teaming up for hinterland efficiency
In consultation with you, we are working on improvements, solutions and innovations for hinterland transport. For future-proof container transport by road, water and rail. By sharing information with each other digitally, the Dutch port gets smarter.
Quarterly Update January 2025
In this edition of the Quarterly Update, you’ll find more information on updates on the transition to the Train Composition Feature in HCN Rail, changes to HCN for Secure Chain, the latest terminal connections, and improvements to customer service. But let’s start with the Secure Chain and Hinterland.
Far East and Oceania to join the Secure Chain
From 3 February 2025, all import containers at the Port of Rotterdam will go through the Secure Chain. This is when the Far East and Oceania will also join the Secure Chain as the last remaining sailing areas. Click here for more information.
Inland operator checks
More and more terminals are actively verifying the haulier at the gate. In other words, does the inland operator arriving to pick up the container match the inland operator specified in the pre-notification? Hutchison Ports ECT locations, Euromax, Delta II (HPD2) and Rotterdam World Gateway (RWG) are already doing this. APM Terminals Maasvlakte II (APMT MVII) will start in the near future. As a result, each terminal can ensure security on its own site.
Functional changes
Since mid-January, it has become possible to outsource several Secure Chain containers to a different inland operator simultaneously, meaning that you can work even more efficiently. You can select multiple containers in the HCN Shipment screen so that you can easily choose which containers you want to forward.
A change has also been made so that cancelled Secure Chain authorisations remain visible in the pre-notification overview. Since 19 December, the pre-notification remains linked to the barge or rail visit but it is given the status ‘cancelled’.
Did you know that you can find additional information in HCN?
In HCN, you can find information in pre-notifications and on the shipment screen.
If you have an API link with HCN, you can use the ‘ALL’ endpoint to receive all available information about status requests, pre-notifications, arrivals, rotations and Secure Chain shipments such as ship, cargo and container information. This makes smarter working possible.
Ask your software supplier about the possibilities. The specifications can be found in the Portbase Developers Portal.
Hinterland Container Notification Road
Hanseatic Global Terminals Rotterdam, formerly Hapag Lloyd depot Waalhaven, is poised to go live with HCN Road next quarter.
CTVrede connected to HCN Road last November
They are the first inland terminal outside the Port of Rotterdam to connect to the service. Following successful implementation, they have made use of HCN Road mandatory at both the CTVrede locations of Amsterdam and Hoogtij by 20 January 2025.
For a complete overview of all terminals working with Hinterland Container Notification go to pre-notification at terminals and depots.
Train Composition Feature
Over the past few months, a lot of hard work has taken place to prepare everyone for the transition to the Train Composition Feature which will become mandatory soon. Deep-sea terminals will exclusively use this feature to receive both inbound and outbound scheduled train compositions. HCN Rail will only share train compositions digitally, making the service more efficient.
At the deep-sea terminals, final preparations are currently underway to ensure a smooth transition. Meanwhile, there is a strong focus on traction suppliers. We are working with them to set up accounts so that they can have full access to HCN Rail before the transition is complete. Traction suppliers will only be able to access the train composition used after the operation has taken place through HCN Rail, the web screens, or an API. The APIs have been developed for rail operators and final testing is currently underway.
A recent update based on feedback from traction suppliers now allows users to view the train composition used on an additional tab in the Excel download, along with the expected outgoing train composition and any deviations. With these improvements and close collaboration, we can ensure a seamless transition to the Train Composition Feature for all parties involved and help to create a more efficient logistics chain.
ETA Train
2025 marks the beginning of the next phase in which real-time insight into train locations and expected arrival times will be provided. The first part, which involves tracking trains within the port, has already been developed. It will be implemented once the market has fully transitioned to the Train Composition Feature.
Discussions are also ongoing with external parties about tracking train locations in the Hinterland. Data integration tests with an external vendor have already commenced too.
In response to the 2024 Customer Satisfaction Survey, among other research, an internal study was conducted to analyse and address the high workload in Customer Service. Based on the findings, internal processes for answering customer queries were adapted with the aim of increasing efficiency and improving your experience.
Plans are also in place to make the support page more intuitive and well-organised, allowing customers to find the information they need more quickly and easily.
To facilitate continuous improvement, we monitor the types of queries received by Customer Service. Based on these insights, we adjust processes and support where necessary, with the ultimate goal of providing an optimal customer experience.
Quarterly Update October 2024
Here is the third edition of the 2024 Quarterly Update. This time you’ll learn more about the newly connected terminals, developments in HCN Rail and Road, and the results of the 2024 Customer Satisfaction Survey. But let’s start with the Secure Chain.
Approximately 60% of all import cargo passes through the Secure Chain. Since 1 October, import cargo from Africa, India, Pakistan and the Middle East has also been added to the Secure Chain, and import cargo from the rest of Asia and other shipping areas will follow shortly.
Our colleagues in Customer Service have been busy. Improvements will be introduced in the near future to reduce their workload and most importantly to make things easier for you.
Call; reuse the pre-filled Secure Chain status request or add B/L number.
EAN validation at Maasvlakte terminal gates (for road transport)
The Rotterdam World Gateway (RWG) terminal has started checking the inland operator at the gate since 1 October. Like several other Rotterdam terminals, they do this using EAN validation on the executing charter at the gate. Learn more in this news article. APM2 is currently still testing and will follow soon. Additionally, Hutchison Ports Delta II (HPD2) is also in the process of implementation. However, they are phasing in road carriers gradually and are reaching out to the carriers directly, which means their approach is slightly different. You will be notified when other terminals follow suit.
API connection: all information in one endpoint
The “ALL” endpoint allows you to receive all updates on status requests, pre-notifications, visits, rotations and Secure Chain shipments in a single gateway. From the Secure Chain you will also receive additional information such as ship information, goods information and insight into the validity of releases. This makes smarter working possible.
Ask your software supplier about the possibilities. The specifications can be found in the Portbase Developers Portal.
Secure Chain information for your client
Working together in the Secure Chain ensures a more efficient and secure process. That is why PINs will disappear completely.
Is your client not yet familiar with the Secure Chain? Share this checklist with them.
If your client has any questions about joining the Secure Chain or Portbase, please ask them to contact
During this period, terminals are primarily active in connecting to HCN Road.
– CTVrede Hoogtij and Amsterdam will connect to HCN Road in November. Fun fact: CTVrede is the first terminal outside of Rotterdam to connect to HCN.
– The Hapag Lloyd depot in Waalhaven will (likely) go live with HCN in the next quarter.
– The STAR depot is working on the technical connection.
The previous edition of the Quarterly Update stated that 1 October 2024 would be the deadline to switch to sharing the Train Composition via HCN Rail. At the Rail Connected steering committee meeting at the beginning of September, the collective decided to extend this transition date to 1 February 2025.
This means that a transition period from 1 October 2024 to 1 February 2025 has been established so that all market parties can get fully prepared. We recommend everyone to make the switch as soon as possible. Are you one of the rail operators who already has their train composition API ready? Please get in touch with your Portbase contact person.
Traction suppliers and HCN Rail
Traction suppliers have relatively little experience working with HCN Rail. Establishing this transition period gives us the space to gradually introduce this group to the service, including with this guideline.
Always improving
We greatly appreciate it when you give feedback, and we ask that you continue to do so. Your feedback ensures that we can continue to improve. For example, three new hazardous goods fields have been added. The upload template (Rail XLS template) has been adjusted accordingly.
Additionally, free loading has now been enabled, and improvements have been made to make it easier to utilize the train composition feature via HCN Rail web screens.
This means that the entire market will be ready for the train composition on 1 February 2025.
ETA Train
The scenarios developed over the summer have now been discussed in the working group with terminals, traction suppliers and rail operators. Working agreements have been made in this regard which the parties could provide feedback on until 1 October. Feedback received is now being processed.
Port Alert
Port Alert will primarily help drivers and planners directly. For example, the ‘disruption dashboard’ and ‘congestion barometer’ are already actively in use within a pilot group of inland operators. The feedback so far has been positive.
In the coming months, the focus will be on further developing the check-in function. This allows drivers to retrieve information about the visit and the container status from the Port Alert app with the truck appointment reference (TAR) code.
Hutchison Ports ECT Rotterdam (ECT) has announced its intention to schedule (or have scheduled) all barge visits to the ECT Delta and ECT Euromax terminals via Nextlogic from Monday 03 February 2025.
By maintaining good contact with the community, we know how our services are experienced and how we can improve them and increase their value. That is why a customer satisfaction survey is conducted every two years.
The results are in! They say that:
– Our customer service is seen as friendly
– Issues are handled better compared to 2022
– Clients who have been using Portbase services for some time now know the Port Community System (PCS) well and are satisfied with the service provision
– Clients want to focus primarily on improving the options and the capabilities of existing services in the coming years
– The major opportunities for improvement lie in thinking about solutions from the clients’ point of view.
We are extremely grateful to you for completing the 2024 Customer Satisfaction Survey. After all, Portbase is of, for and by the port community.
Quarterly Update July 2024
The second quarter of 2024 has gone by quickly again and there have been lots of developments.
Before everyone gears up for summer and heads off on holiday, we would like to look back at the past quarter with you – and, more importantly, ahead to the months to come!
In this edition of the Quarterly Update, you can read more about the developments within the Secure Chain and the changes in the service Notification Container Hinterland (HCN), the latest service updates, see which terminals are joining and more about Port Alert.
Secure Chain
A safer container import process with the Secure Chain
Since its introduction, more than 200,000 containers have already been handled via the Secure Chain. This number will only increase as more regions transition fully. From today, 1 July, North America has been connected to the Confidence Chain. This means that from now on, all North America import containers will be handled through the Confidence Chain.
Many of you took part in the survey on Hinterland Container Notification (HCN) and the Secure Chain, for which we are very grateful. We have started working with the valuable insights generated and the first results are here. It seems there is a great desire for clarification on HCN Secure Chain, and action has been taken to address this by means of the demos.
Guided tour
Naturally, there is more; we have been hard at work on a guided tour. This new tool guides users of the HCN web screens through the functionality, for the benefit of the Secure Chain. Further development is now underway so that we can use it again in the future to better support users. You will also receive an e-mail when you are nominated, or when the nomination expires. You do need to set this up (only once). Read more about setting up e-mail notifications here.
Service under development
HCN will remain a service that is constantly evolving, and in line with the Secure Chain we are making adjustments to enhance security. As a result, since 8 April 2024, PINs have no longer been visible in HCN. HCN is closely connected with the EAN numbers of the inland operator. Following ECT Delta and Euromax, Hutchison Ports Delta II will now also be more actively checking the EAN numbers of the executing inland operator and matching them to the prenotification. Other terminals will soon follow suit. In the next edition of the Quarterly Update, we will again take you through recent developments in the context of the Secure Chain. If you don’t want to wait, you can read more about the Secure Chain right here! You can also sign up.
The network continues to grow.
Last quarter again saw plenty of terminals connecting to HCN’s various modalities. Below is a review of the new connections, as well as an overview of terminals about to be connected:
Train composition deadline approaching!
The Rail Connected steering group has set 1 October 2024 as the deadline for the transition to sharing train compositions with terminals connected to HCN Rail. Rail operators can do so via the HCN Rail web screens or system interfaces. The instructions for the web screen can be found here. If you want to share train compositions via a system interface, please contact your software vendor. You can read what you need to do as a rail operator here.
IMPORTANT: As described in the article, Portbase supports this process, but we need additional data to do so. We cannot support every rail operator at the same time. So please send the necessary data ASAP.
Besides train composition, we are also working hard on sharing train ETAs within the Rail Connected programme. For this purpose, 9 scenarios were recently discussed in a working session with terminals, traction suppliers and rail operators. Among other things, we gathered valuable information on current working methods and processes. These scenarios are now being developed and presented to the working group. There will be more on the development of this functionality in a future edition of the Quarterly Update.
The ‘disruption dashboard’ and ‘activity level barometer’ functionalities are almost ready. Above all, they will provide added value for planners and drivers. It will give them better insight into current disruptions at the port, so that they can adjust planning accordingly. This will result in higher efficiency and smooth throughput. We will be focusing on rolling out these aspects after the summer. In addition, team Port Alert is further developing a ‘rain alarm’ and a ‘digital check-in’. Keep an eye out for the next edition of the Quarterly Update, at the end of September, for more information.
All HCN users can now see additional data from multiple terminals in the service. Regardless of modality and connection, everyone has access to the same information. The provision of data from RWG and APMT MVII provides you with the following benefits:
– Reliable data directly from the terminal
– Greater efficiency in the logistics chain
– Optimal planning for hinterland parties
Can’t see the extra data yet? Read what action to take here
What has already been achieved in HCN?
1. For HCN Road, it is now possible to remove the ‘Remain on Truck’ container from a visit.
2. APMT MVII correctly processes adjustments to TAR.
3. HPD2 supports status requests for Road. For Barge, this operation has been greatly improved.
Quarterly Update February 2024
Two months into 2024, we would like to inform you of the focus for the coming months, for Hinterland. In this edition of the Quarterly Update, you will, among other things, get more information about the developments within the Secure Chain and the changes to the service Hinterland Container Notification (HCN), the latest updates to the service and see which terminals are joining.
Major shipping companies/shipbrokers have committed to handle all Latin America cargo through the Secure Chain by 31st of March 2024. To increase safety, pin codes will soon disappear from Hinterland Container Notification (HCN). Truck drivers will then need a TAR code to visit a terminal. Five of Rotterdam’s major terminals announced they will soon be validating EAN numbers at the gate.
Is your organisation ready for the Secure Chain?
The 31st of March 2024 deadline is approaching. So, inform your client when your organisation will be ready to work through the Secure Chain. And encourage your client to participate in the online demo. During this demo, Portbase will tell you all about the use of Cargo Controller and the Secure Chain.
All throughout 2024 we will continue to connect terminals to the HCN network. This way, we continue to broaden the coverage and increase participation. Because by connecting more parties to HCN, we broaden coverage and enhance participation, leading to increased efficiency.
An overview of recent developments:
– RBC Cetem is connected to HCN Barge and Nextlogic
– ECT has enabled Guideline Loading for Barge and Nextlogic
– ECT makes the use of TAR/RCI at ‘Security in’ mandatory for road transport
– CTT Rotterdam is currently, as the first inland terminal, connecting to HCN Road.
– Q Terminals (Kramer) is currently preparing to connect its RCT, DCS and City locations to HCN Barge
There is also growing interest outside the Port of Rotterdam from various terminals and depots to connect to Hinterland Container Notification. We will keep you updated on developments.
The mobile version of the Hinterland Container Notification (HCN) Road service is getting an upgrade. For example, the mobile version gets a similar design to the desktop screens.
Tabs conforming to the desktop tabs, for improved navigation, and a date filter have recently been added. Sorting by ‘pre-notification status’, ‘last edited pre-notification’ and ‘time slot’, and filter options ‘pick-up/drop-off’ and ‘terminal’ are yet to be added.
Secure chain symbol
If the container goes through the Secure Chain, but NO commercial release is present yet, the open shield is shown. Has the commercial release been issued via the Secure Chain? Then a closed shield with a tick will be shown. This allows you to see the status of the situation immediately.
Read more about HCN and the Secure Chain here.
Search performance
Improvements are not only coming on the front end of HCN Road. Under the bonnet, we are also working hard to implement improvements. For instance, we are switching to Flux search. With this switch, we expect a more efficient, stable and faster data search. With Flux, Portbase is in charge of the management and we keep control of our aggregations. We are therefore confident that with the introduction of Flux search in HCN Road, the user-friendliness and performance of the search function will improve significantly. Should you still encounter problems, please report them to our Customer Service.
A new additional API endpoint
To receive data centrally even more easily via a system link, an additional endpoint is added to the API. This will unlock information from three values, voyage, handlings and shipments, in one endpoint. The existing /lists contains a combination of updates for voyage and detached handling. In the /lists/all, the /lists/shipments has been added. The distinction is made via an attribute type that can have the values VOYAGE, DETACHED_HANDLING or SHIPMENT. This endpoint is expected to be available from February.
In early January, the functionality to add an extra rail operator on a rotation went live. Now Portbase is working on the Train Composition functionality, which is expected to go live in Q2. Train composition allows rail operators to send the train composition per visit to the terminal for scheduled train visits, both inbound and outbound. This can be sent by the operator via an upload in HCN rail or via API. The information is then displayed in HCN Rail web screens and available to rail freight parties via the tracking API.