Cargo Declaration Status Report

Cargo Declaration Status Report

Timely picture of outstanding summary cargo declarations.

A timely picture of outstanding summary cargo declarations

Using the information in the service Cargo Declaration Status Report, you can easily correct errors in follow-up declarations, make enquiries of the cargo recipients or submit missing follow-up declarations. This prevents a lot of time-consuming searches at a later stage to find out what went wrong as well as unnecessary additional charges from Customs.

Service description

Cargo Declaration Status Report is an extension of the service Cargo Notification Import and is therefore only available when using Cargo Notification Import, which enables you to submit your summary declarations to Customs.

Declaration Status Report works very simply: on days 45 and 90 after the arrival of a vessel, Customs sends Portbase a discrepancy report listing outstanding summary declarations. You then automatically receive an e-mail with a link so you can take action immediately.

Service features

  • Connection feeThere is a one-off connection fee to activate a service.
  • PaidSubscription fee and/or transaction fee applies.
  • Web screenThe service can be used via a web screen.

Additional requirements

There are no additional requirements for this service.

How to get connected

This service is only available through web screens.


This service is not available to use as a stand-alone service, but is an extension of Cargo Notification Import. The costs for this service are therefore included in the Cargo Notification Import service. Request the current price list here.

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