Spotlight API

Spotlight API

Free service for berth locations Port of Rotterdam

Berth locations in the port of Rotterdam

Sharing data and berths and depths with IHO standards. This API contains all port infra data for the Port of Rotterdam:

  • Terminals & berth operators
  • Berths
  • Berth positions
Ligplaatsdata service via Vessel visit api


Each year, around 30,000 sea-going vessels call at the port of Rotterdam. In a complex environment such as maritime transport, miscommunication can quickly lead to disruptions. Clear communication is essential. Therefore, the Port of Rotterdam Authority is committed to achieve shared standards and improve the data of vessels and port calls in terms of quality and availability. Berths are the pivots of our joint processes. Almost all chain parties use them for planning their activities. This service ensures that the quality of berth information will improve for all users.

Service kenmerken

  • API-koppelingGebruik van de service is mogelijk via een systeemkoppeling API.
  • WebschermGebruik van de service is mogelijk via een webscherm.

Information about Spotlight API

  • Ligplaatsdata service via Vessel visit api op Portbase Marketplace

For who?

All users of berth location information, f.i.:

  • Parties involved in the nautical chain within the Port of Rotterdam
  • Service providers (software)
  • Managers of (global) port databases

In partnership with:

Spotlight API is a solution provided by the Port of Rotterdam Authority.

Request this API

Are you ready to start using this service? Request the service here.

Do you have any general questions about the marketplace? Get in touch with Team Marketplace.

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