The Carbon Pricing Platform

The Carbon Pricing Platform

CBAM solutions for Declarants & Operators of non-EU production plants

CBAM solutions for Declarants & Operators of non-EU production plants

The Carbon Pricing Platform is a B2B web application that helps EU importers streamline their CBAM reporting obligations. The platform also contains tools that enable exporters (operators of installations located outside the EU) to generate the actual emissions data their EU-based clients need for CBAM compliance. 


Service description

The Carbon Pricing Platform enables CBAM (Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism) Declarants to: 

  • Upload and centralize CBAM-related data without any need for manual inputs 
  • Collect actual emissions data from suppliers and track shipments’ CBAM emissions 
  • Generate compliant CBAM reports with a few clicks 
  • Manage the financial risk of CBAM (Feature coming soon) 

The platform enables operators of third-country installations (production plants) to: 

  • Create a digital schematic diagram of their installation 
  • Have access to a database of calculation factors and automate CBAM emission calculations in compliance with EU monitoring rules 
  • Fill in upstream data gaps with country-specific default values and collect relevant precursors’ data 
  • Share the required data with EU CBAM declarants 

Service kenmerken

  • BetaaldAbonnementfee en/of transactiefee van toepassing.
  • WebschermGebruik van de service is mogelijk via een webscherm.

Subscription costs

A quarterly or annual subscription fee is applied as part of our software as a service. For more information and details about the pricing plans, contact Carbon Glance.


Request service

Are you ready to start using this service or do you have questions specific to this service? Contact our partner to request this service.

Do you have any general questions about the marketplace? Get in touch with Team Marketplace.

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